week 7 forum

1) The city I'm going to be shooting photos in is Vancouver Washington. the reason I am going to be taking photos of Vancouver is, I'm from Vancouver. So I know the town well.

2) One idea I'm thinking of is to take a picture of this sign once you enter Vancouver. It says "Welcome to Vancouver Washington." The problem is, It's on the freeway, and I'm not sure if I can go park on the side and walk up and take photos. Another idea I have is, if it's not raining this Saturday, I'm going to be taking photos at the Saturday market. The Last idea I have is having one of my friends stand next to some of the statues in downtown Vancouver.

3) The photo that will be the most challenging for me to take is definitely the sign that says "Welcome to Vancouver Washington." It's going to be a challenge because the sign is on the freeway.

My idea I have for my photo story is, "The life of a student athlete." I will be covering one of the basketball players on the team here at LBCC, most likely Dalton Liesse. I'll be following him around school, and at home to see what he does, When he eats dinner, what time he has to get up for morning workouts, what he does in the workouts, how retakes care of his body, when he does homework, and what he does on hi free time. The idea of this, is to show the extra work that student athletes put in, while also having to finish all their work for school as well.


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