Humans at LBCC

Isaac Savage

Isaac Savage is a psychology major who was planning on just going to OSU, however he took a somewhat different route. “I was accepted into OSU, but I heard about this dual partnership program which I could go into OSU, and LBCC at the same time. Also I decided to take most of my classes at LBCC because they are a lot cheaper, plus I had the Oregon promise, so most of my college tuition at LBCC was paid off. I also have loan money from LBCC, and I can use that to pay my tuition at OSU.” “What I do for fun though is, I like to workout, talk to my friends and see how they are doing. That’s kind of why I’m majoring in psychology, so I can help out my friends."

    Erik Lee

Erik Lee is an Albany native who is in his junior year. After attending South Albany high school, he dual enrolled at Oregon State University, and Linn-Benton community college looking to obtain a bachelor's degree in business management, as well as a human resources certification.

Jaeric Cvitanich
Jaeric Cvitanich is still unsure in what he wants to major in, however he is thinking about majoring in microbiology. “I chose LBCC because it is close to home, and it has a good transfer program to OSU.” “ My plans for college as of right now are, try to walk on to the OSU football team, and educationally I want to get into a field that I can enjoy myself. I’m still unsure on what I want to major in, but it’s out of construction engineering management, or microbiologist. I’m leaning more towards micro, because my grandpa is a microbiologist, and I can takeover his lab.” “What I do for fun most of the time is, play basketball, watch YouTube, and play video games. I love playing NBA 2K19, Madden 19, and Apex.”


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